Sunday, April 3, 2011

we had a great time in new orleans last night. siberia is one of the coolest venues i've ever played at or gone to or gotten wasted in. benny hare is an old buddy, matt (owner) of tirefire is a straight up dude, daphne the bartender was a fucking sweetheart to say the least, the dudes in LET THE NIGHT ROAR were super cool bros. we got to new orleans early and ate/drank at a fancy taco/rum place that brought out plates of food that looked more like art than anything else. after that we checked out a record shop and then headed over to siberia. we began drinking on the street before the venue was open. lots of cutting up, making jokes, taking pictures, etc. i, personally, woke up in ashley's car and had no idea how i got there, nor did i have any recollection of how the night ended, but that's just new orleans for you.

the best thing to come out of the trip....landing a spot opening for motherfuckin' FLOOR on may 2nd at siberia! super pumped about that. it's very exciting and rewarding to be playing with bands that we listen to on our own time, on a regular basis. hope things keep going at this rate!

on another note, we most likely won't be releasing the fear will rust EP in physical form now, or perhaps ever, yet it's there on our 'free album downloads' page, so eat it up. we've decided to focus more on writing a new album, perhaps more of a full length than the usual EP lengthed albums we've released. we have 3 new songs completely written, and 1 other one currently being worked on. lots of new influences coming out in the song writing, especially with the addition of adam. things are going great! see you all soon.


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