Friday, February 18, 2011

the first show with adam went incredible. there were nothing but positive reactions from strangers and close friends all around the board. the new song sounded great and everyone including us seemed to be pretty pumped about it.

we decided against getting the new EP mastered because it just costs more money, and it's stalling us from getting them printed, plus with the addition of adam and the fact that we've already begun writing the next album, there's really just no point to not get this puppy on the streets.

so, today, february 18th, FEAR WILL RUST is available for free download on our 'free album downloads' page, or you can download it and give us a buck or two if you're feeling generous here.
so basically, like we keep saying, the physical copies will be in soon. but at least you can download it and burn it now.

lots of shows coming up in march, check the 'shows' page. we thought we had lost our merch, but in fact, it was in a buddies truck from after a show. we have a good amount of shirts left. we will now be selling them for $5. we have a handful of the splits left. we will never print those again in that form, so get one if you'd like while you still can. we also have some copies of qualms as well. we'll give you both cd's and a shirt for $10. just come talk to one of us at a show.

love you all. hail satan.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Please welcome Adam Harris to Wildfires!

Wildfires is pumped as shit to announce the addition of Adam Harris to the band!  Adam has been coming to our shows for quite a while now. When we decided to trek onward as a trio, it wasn't because we felt that we couldn't make use of a second guitar player, it was more circumstantial, and all about finding the right man for the job with all the same goals and influences in mind. With that said, we enjoyed our time as a trio and the EP we recorded and are about to release (still saving money). We decided from the get go of the trio lineup that if we came across someone who we felt was a perfect fit for the band, there would be no question. After 2 proper "auditions", and much time spent together hanging out, having drinks, eating amazing food cooked by Adam's girlfriend, geeking out on mutual favorite bands, and sitting at his house riffing on combo amps, we decided that Adam is indeed the perfect fit that we've perhaps always needed.

Yesterday we ended up hanging out and jamming for 5 hours at Adam's storage shed. I don't think Wildfires has ever had a 5 hour jam/hang session, so needless to say, the chemistry, the ideas, the communication, it's all there. We all feel comfortable telling each other "why don't you play something else", and it's great to finally be able to say that.

We've written a brand new song titled, "Aftermath of The Sociopath" which spans more genre changes in one song than we have ever touched on, and although anyone would say this about their music, I honestly believe that this is the most unique and original material we've written thus far. We're super excited as to the future of the band, and to all relocate together in a year or a little more. Adam will start playing with us in March, and before too long we should have quite a few more new songs written. See you all soon!